Sunday, November 17, 2013

Back at it!!

Well its been awhile since I've blogged and a lot has been going on since my last one.  i have moved from giddings to denton for school. i am now attending UNT as a RTVF student minoring in Photography.  I'm 21 now and still trying to find myself in who i wanna be as a person but that'll all come in time.  I think I'm ready for what the future holds in my career and I'm excited but for now I'm just gonna take it easy with school and live life…

so this i am enjoying my 1st semester at UNT and its interesting living away from my family for the 1st time. i miss my family a lot, including my 2 nephews Gustin and Hayden.  also i am living with 2 interesting roommates that i believe are the best roommates i could have asked for cause i get along quite well with them. the semester is going pretty good, made a few friends but i still spend most of my time at the apartment cause i only have a few friends but things will pick up in the future.

well until the next post, later...

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